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RTOS Design and Debugging Techniques Hands-on
Jacob Beningo - Watch Now - EOC 2021 - Duration: 01:55:37

Real-time operating systems (RTOS) have found their way into nearly every embedded system. The problem though is that an RTOS can often complicate implementation, increase module coupling and make debugging a nightmare.
In this workshop, Jacob Beningo will walk attendees through RTOS implementation and debugging techniques that will help developers accelerate their design cycle and implement more robust and flexible design techniques. Attendees will learn hands-on about topics such as:
- How to initialize tasks
- How to properly set task stack size and monitor for stack overflows
- Decouple application code from the RTOS
- Properly protect shared resources
- Minimize response time for system events
- Perform application tracing and performance analysis
Additional topics and details about specifics boards and RTOS will be provided closer to the conference.
Great workshop! I particularly liked your suggestion to initialize tasks from a table (mine are all over the place...) and the intro to Tracealyzer. It looks amazing - I just wish it was more affordable for the node-locked license.
Thanks! I've found it to help organize tasks.
"Just a consultant?". Seems to me that you have provided a valuable service to the embedded community with your talks, books, involvement in this conference, etc. Thanks Jason.
Hi Jacob, this one got lost in the queue in the session. Can you comment on the proper STM32 configuration for interrupts related to scheduling? Specifically the priority of SysTick and PendSV as well as as the HAL's tick increment method. I've heard differing opinions... not sure I've seen a solid answer yet.
Thanks for posting it and sorry for the delay!
The short answer is, it depends on your application.
General rule of thumb that I use is to set the SysTick to a high priority since it is the primary time manager for the RTOS. PendSV is typically used by the RTOS to perform a context switch. It is generally the lowest priority interrupt.
For the HAL time tick, I typically choose a priority less than SysTick, greater than PenSV. I look carefully at the other interrupts in the system and the response time requirements and then set it based on the system needs.
I hope that helps. Relatively generic answer but let me know if you have any follow-up questions / comments.
What is the best way to implement an application which has an inherent need for state control (i.e. state machine, controlled by driver inputs) in and RTOS design paradigm?
I have implemented an Event Handler which distributes messages from a Queue to the running context, but so far hasn't been deterministic.
Sorry for the delay! The conference kept me busy and I overlooked my messages.
Typically, I will design my state machine and then have a StateMachine_Run function that is called from the task. You can process your driver inputs and then feed it to the state machine. Like you mentioned, you lose some determinism and also may inject jitter. Jean Labrosse made a great comment that if your response times are ok, you can process your state machine on the previous dataset, then process the new driver inputs in order to minimize jitter.
How many is too many tasks? How can I decide whether or not to implement a task in, let's say, a peripheral driver?
My rule of thumb is to not have more than a 12 tasks that are grouped together. So for example, I may have 6 tasks that handle TCP/IP and web communications, 8 tasks that manage interactions with peripherals, 10 tasks that manage core application features, 4 tasks that manage optional application features, etc.
Technically you can have as many tasks as you want, but I like to build them out in logical groups of no more than 12, just so it?s easy to manage.
As far as peripheral drivers go, I would keep the RTOS out of the drivers. We want to keep a domain separation between between driver code, middleware and the application. An RTOS task can call a driver function, but try to keep them RTOS independent.
I hope that helps!
16:01:58 From Leandro Pérez : Hi again from Colombia :) 16:02:50 From Jón Hákon Richter : hello from Iceland! 16:03:44 From Michael Kirkhart : I remember developing for PIC microcontrollers in assembly 16:04:02 From Piotr Zdunek : Hello from Poland :) 16:04:03 From Grant : can anyone else see Jacob maximized on the screen? For me he is just showing up as an icon. 16:04:03 From Leandro Pérez : Yes I too... I started with those in 1999 16:04:17 From Daniel : Hello everybody from Germany! :) 16:04:35 From Scott K. : Change to speaker view @grant 16:04:50 From Grant : cool thanks! 16:04:57 From Bill Tilman - Abaco : Hello from Albuquerque, New Mexico 16:05:37 From Bhargav Shah : Hello from India 16:06:24 From Lee Thalblum : Hi from New York City 16:07:03 From javi : trazalayzers for everyone! 16:07:05 From Peter Jamrozinski : What do you think about Seggers RTOS tools like SystemView? 16:07:06 From Bob Dowling : Hi from Albany, New York! 16:07:08 From Pulkit Gupta : Hi from The Netherlands :) 16:07:13 From Mikael Albertsson : Hi all, joining from Sweden here 16:07:37 From javi : Hi from Spain :) 16:07:38 From Marinna Martini : Hello from Cape Cod, MA 16:08:03 From Aldo Coronado : Hello from Guadalajara, Mexico 16:08:35 From Mike : what was that URL? 16:08:43 From Miehl : http://bit.ly/3fnT... 16:09:00 From Mike : Thanks! 16:09:06 From Piotr Zdunek : What is the most versatile and cost effective RTOS currently available on the market in your opinion? 16:09:08 From Miehl : The rest is missing 16:09:18 From Miehl : http://bit.ly/3fnT4cF 16:09:39 From Jason Cose : proxy blocked... 16:09:44 From Iain Chalmers to Stephane Boucher(Direct Message) : Stephane, I'm seeing a noticeable degradation in video quality compared to James session due to Jacob relying on his video feed to show the slides (and not sure how Zoom will like recording that?!). A screen share is likely to be higher quality. 16:09:51 From Miehl : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ah1wal7f5m51svg/AAAOXQm5xqRUWna5cpCqC5C5a?dl=0 16:10:01 From Lee Thalblum : Piotr: FreeRTOS is very flexible and the price is (obviously) free. 16:10:04 From Frederic : dropbox blocked by firewall 16:10:35 From Lee Thalblum : I used it for the last 2+ years 16:11:00 From Jón Hákon Richter : What's your opinion on the Zephyr-RTOS? 16:11:19 From Leandro Pérez : I have used AWS FreeRTOS for the last 2 years too 16:11:22 From Piotr Zdunek : Lee: I like FreeRTOS, but I was wondering how it compares to other solutios like Zephyr, uOS, GreenHills etc. 16:11:41 From HarriR : Zephyr seems nice, although a bit linuxy 16:12:09 From Piotr Zdunek : I would say that's an advantage 16:12:12 From Lee Thalblum : I haven't used Zephyr, but as compared to uC/OS and Nucleus I found FreeRTOS very comparable 16:12:55 From Michael Kafarowski : Are many other people using VMs for Embedded development? 16:13:23 From Alessia Botta : Michael: Yes, I do 16:13:26 From Marko : Zephyr has a steep learning curve, but after realizing that you can move your code from one micro to another (plus that many drivers are available to you) you start to appreciate it 16:13:45 From Daniel : I use Docker for development, usually I don't use IDE.. I hope I won't be that hard :) 16:13:46 From Jón Hákon Richter : I've used qemu for raspberry pi 16:13:47 From Keith J : Yes 16:13:48 From Marinna Martini : yes 16:13:49 From javi : yes 16:13:50 From Roman Hvozd : yes 16:13:50 From Stefan Petersen : Yes 16:13:52 From Daniel : yes , I didn't have any problem 16:13:52 From Steve Wheeler : yes 16:13:54 From Michael Kirkhart : Yes 16:13:56 From Andrew : yes 16:13:56 From Mikael Albertsson : Yes 16:13:56 From barnberg : yes 16:13:57 From Jay : yup 16:13:58 From Carlos : yep 16:13:58 From Frederic : no 16:14:00 From Burak ŞEKER : waiting to download 16:14:32 From Derek Konigsberg : Downloaded, and imported into STM32CubeIDE. Building it seems to depend on some external stuff I don't have. 16:15:32 From Marinna Martini : I ran an RTOS demo in Visual Studio - can I try this workshop code in that without hardware? 16:15:35 From Tim Michals : you have to download the STM32 library for the part 16:15:59 From Marko : Does anyone use VIM text editor for embedded projects? 16:16:01 From Derek Konigsberg : Its Segger stuff it complains about. 16:16:22 From barnberg : Marko: yes, several folks where I work us it. 16:16:24 From Stephane Boucher to Iain Chalmers(Direct Message) : I see what you mean. I'll let Jacob know on the side, don't want to de-stabilize him too much. But something to learn from for future sessions for sure. 16:16:42 From Derek Konigsberg : Actually, it very well could simply be Windows-vs-Linux Makefile assumptions. Probably not worth the time to debug right now. 16:16:53 From Gerhard : Marko: I am a terminal and Neovim user 16:17:04 From Iain Chalmers to Stephane Boucher(Direct Message) : Seems sensible. Thanks. 16:17:10 From Jay : vi plugin in VSCode 16:17:14 From Piotr Zdunek : vim ftw 16:17:43 From Marko : barnberg: nice to know, which micros are you programming, using? 16:18:04 From nicholas.dijkhoffz : Barnberg Hello! 16:18:13 From Marko : yes, vim + tmux is really awesome! 16:18:14 From barnberg : Nicholas! 16:18:36 From Carlos : the key word with Zephyr is "promise". Not all promises are kept. I've found that out over last year 16:18:46 From Leandro Pérez to Stephane Boucher(Direct Message) : I see the image in low resolution 16:18:47 From Stephen Roberts : The text in the video seems pretty blurry, am I the only one that sees this? 16:18:54 From Leandro Pérez : I too 16:18:59 From Carlos : nope, blurry 16:19:02 From Alessia Botta : Me too 16:19:03 From Scott K. : Blurry here, too. 16:19:07 From Piotr Zdunek : super blurry 16:19:19 From Gerhard : Yes, it’s very blurry 16:19:31 From Glenn : Yeah, Jacob's desktop resolution is very poor (a.k.a. blurry). 16:19:42 From Marko : Carlos: what did you found missing in the Zephyr? 16:20:43 From Kelly McClellan to Stephane Boucher(Direct Message) : The screen share is low resolution, very hard to read. 16:21:23 From Leandro Pérez : Thanks 16:21:24 From Rocco Brandi : zoom keeps disconnecting and reconnecting 16:21:31 From Piotr Zdunek : I need to try Zephyr 16:22:01 From Kelly McClellan to Stephane Boucher(Direct Message) : share screen with full screen view should be readable 16:22:08 From Bob Everson : Can't read the 'zoomed' text either. 16:22:10 From James A. Langbridge : If you know your way around CubeIDE, you can guess what is going on, but it might be complicated to follow exactly on the code later on 16:22:15 From AnnaB : zoomed text is still blurry 16:22:16 From Kelly McClellan to Stephane Boucher(Direct Message) : he won't have to zoom in 16:22:42 From Daniel : yes 16:22:45 From AnnaB : And I think I'll likely get a headache from the blurriness 16:22:46 From Bruce Lueckenhoff : yes 16:22:47 From Stephen Roberts : Kinda 16:22:49 From Miehl : readable 16:22:49 From René Andrés Ayoroa : Barely 16:22:52 From Théophile Bornon : readable 16:22:52 From Kelly McClellan to Stephane Boucher(Direct Message) : I think the video window forces MPEG type compression, bad for text 16:22:53 From Iván GB : Even doing this it is a bit blurry :( 16:22:53 From Bob Everson : Nope 16:23:02 From James A. Langbridge : Text in explorer yes, the pin names, not so much 16:23:16 From Burak ŞEKER : Readable with a little imagination 16:23:29 From Jason Cose : Thankyou! 16:23:29 From barnberg : hot dog 16:23:30 From Alvaro Muro(Bilbao) : That's great 16:23:33 From Stephen Roberts : Wayyy better. Very readable 16:23:34 From Burak ŞEKER : Now, perfect!! 16:23:39 From Leandro Pérez : perfect 16:23:39 From René Andrés Ayoroa : huge difference 16:23:41 From Michael Kafarowski : I can still see the original screen too 16:23:42 From Bob Everson : Much better. 16:23:43 From Iván GB : WOW!!!! This is another world 16:23:44 From Mike : Love it 16:23:46 From Keith J : whole screen clear... 16:23:48 From Iván GB : From 8 bits to 64 16:23:50 From Piotr Zdunek : maybe try dual screen sharing and put the video on the second screen? 16:23:55 From Stefan Petersen : No need for zooming in now 16:23:56 From Leandro Pérez : Could repeat the last steps? 16:24:05 From James A. Langbridge : Can you then open up a camera program to see your webcam so you can show the board and the blinkenlights? 16:24:09 From Mikael Albertsson : We have pretty much the same view as before, only super crisp =) 16:24:13 From Michael Kafarowski : Right when you switched to screenshare I could still see your slides and face 16:24:20 From Iain Chalmers : You can pin your webcam video to allow both at the same time too 16:24:33 From javi : we dont need to see the board, we will trust you if you say the led is blinking ;) 16:25:09 From Keith J : very legible... thank you 16:25:16 From i1A597358 : Looks good! 16:25:26 From James A. Langbridge : Thanks for the last minute changes Jacob! 16:25:33 From James G : Looks great now 16:25:46 From Jay : yes very nice 16:25:51 From Daniel : neat! 16:26:02 From Piotr Zdunek : Zoom settings -> General -> Use dual monitors 16:27:03 From i1A597358 : Is the STMCube IDE, free? 16:27:08 From Michael Kafarowski : Yes 16:27:25 From i1A597358 : thanks! 16:27:42 From Michael Kafarowski : https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeide.html 16:27:46 From Michael Kafarowski : Just need an ST account 16:27:49 From James A. Langbridge : You just need to register on ST, then you can download STMCubeIDE and STMCubeMX free of charge, no code size limitation 16:28:38 From HarriR : Anyone have experience using Active Objects that Miro Samek talks about? 16:28:49 From Roman Hvozd : yes 16:29:15 From Roman Hvozd : I have 16:29:52 From HarriR : Do you feel like it's a nice approach? 16:30:00 From TEW : Can you share the workshop link again pease 16:30:07 From TEW : please 16:30:28 From Miehl : http://bit.ly/3fnT4cF https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ah1wal7f5m51svg/AAAOXQm5xqRUWna5cpCqC5C5a?dl=0 16:30:51 From Roman Hvozd : yes, definitely :) 16:31:06 From James A. Langbridge : Jacob's calm in the face of a major presentation change, tools not behaving and all of those fun things is just legendary 16:31:57 From Keith J : FYI: ST-Link to Segger only works with the development board integrated link... not the stand-alone ST-Link debuggers 16:32:15 From Rocco Brandi : the file is not there 16:32:15 From Iván GB : Umh.. I cannot see that pdf 16:33:13 From AnnaB : I have it in the download 16:33:16 From AnnaB : yes 16:33:20 From Stephane Boucher : @James, haha this is not Jacob's first rodeo! 16:33:21 From Mikael Albertsson : I do 16:33:24 From Mike : i do 16:33:24 From AnnaB : I see both 16:33:31 From Michael Kafarowski : I see all three 16:33:34 From Aditya S : I see both 16:33:34 From TEW : I see all 3 in the files 16:33:38 From Rocco Brandi : the zip file doesn't have the exercise instruction 16:33:41 From paul.pervinkler : I saw/grabbed both 16:33:44 From FAIK SAGLAR : Filename is same but contents does not match. Only 6 pages. 16:34:02 From Keith J : Thank you Jacob! 16:34:54 From Rocco Brandi : yep it's there 16:35:41 From Miehl : Do you see his screen? 16:35:45 From Gerhard : No 16:35:45 From Amilcar : I no longer see your screen 16:35:47 From Jay : share? 16:39:05 From Michael Kirkhart : Configuration array - old, but very handy trick - used many times 16:40:11 From Hitesh Rai : I like this! I have been doing this, but I use .def file for all the RTOS task thing 16:41:01 From Hitesh Rai : And then you can extract whatever you need from the .def file 16:41:27 From Leandro Pérez : Very organized way 16:43:29 From Leandro Pérez : Yes I defined it in that way... all configuration in only point 16:43:38 From Jeremy Erdmann : Jacob, can you weigh in on the pros-cons of (A) having tasks share the same priority? and (B) using the CMSIS OS2 API vs. the FreeRTOS API for task creation, etc. 16:44:07 From Nathan Jones : Just joining. Is there a link to a workspace or project files that I missed? 16:44:23 From Hitesh Rai : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ah1wal7f5m51svg/AAAOXQm5xqRUWna5cpCqC5C5a?dl=0 16:44:25 From Michael Kirkhart : There is a Dropbox link in the chat 16:44:28 From SS : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ah1wal7f5m51svg/AAAOXQm5xqRUWna5cpCqC5C5a?dl=0 16:44:52 From paul.pervinkler : How would you recommend handling tasks launched by other tasks? -ex. a task to manage an HTTP connection launched by an HTTP service task that manages control over connections 16:45:17 From Keith J : Love the organization... unfortunately especially with STM32IDE using C++ with tasks is hard 16:45:52 From Keith J : and creates some messy files and code... but is doable 16:46:06 From Carlos : Are mutexes and semaphores dynamically allocated in FreeRTOS? 16:47:32 From TEW : I agree with Keith J. I'm curious about why you opted to use CMSIS vs. FreeRTOS or other RTOS paradigms. Like are there size and/or performance ramifications. 16:48:44 From Peter Jamrozinski : What is CMSIS OS2? 16:48:53 From Jeremy Erdmann : Jacob, can you comment on the proper configuration of processor interrupts with FreeRTOS? I've heard differing information on how to configure SysTick ISR priority vs. the ST HAL tick. Also possibly things like PendSV and others. 16:48:57 From Mikael Albertsson : Mutexes at least can be either dynamically allocated or statically dito 16:49:09 From Derek Konigsberg : CMSIS is an ARM abstraction layer 16:49:37 From Mikael Albertsson : Using xSemaphoreCreateMutex() and xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic() 16:49:53 From Peter Jamrozinski : i'm familiar with the ARM abstraction, just didn't know what the OS2 stuff was -- seems like another layer of abstraction specifically for RTOS hooks? 16:50:20 From Jeremy Overesch : It looks like that only allows dynamic memory 16:50:33 From Derek Konigsberg : Yeah, CMSIS-OS2 abstracts the RTOS functions, and does some extra boilerplate stuff around them. 16:51:01 From Jonny : Jeremy - there are options for using static memory will it too 16:51:12 From Peter Jamrozinski : ah, makes sense, thanks @Derek 16:51:38 From i1A597358 : no hardware to try it out with. I will order then try it out. 16:51:47 From Jeremy Overesch : Jonny - Do you have a reference? In the function call he stated, it didn't show a way to supply the stack. 16:53:08 From HarriR : https://www.freertos.org/xTaskCreateStatic.html 16:53:28 From Jonny : Sounds like maybe he's about to touch on it, but as part of the config struct for the task you can actually specify a memory address. So one option is to just give that a static array for it to use 16:53:49 From Jeremy Overesch : That's in freertos, but not the CMSIS-OS2 16:54:37 From Derek Konigsberg : I'm wondering about using tasks for handling operations that aren't long-running, and are only started in response to some event from another task. (and might be paramaterized by data coming from that task) 16:54:49 From Jonny : Have a look here: https://www.keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/RTOS2/html/group__CMSIS__RTOS__ThreadMgmt.html#structosThreadAttr__t 16:55:11 From Tara W : For prod level apps, I typically specify the memory address and yes that is in FreeRTOS. So that is why I am curious about why to use the CMSIS abstraction vs. using the base level RTOS constructs. What are the size/performance ramifications if any of using CMSIS vs RTOS constructs. 16:55:23 From mzaleski : Select the project in LEFT pane 16:55:35 From Mikhail Skobov : > why to use the CMSIS abstraction vs. using the base level RTOS constructs 16:55:45 From Mikhail Skobov : It’s portable across different MCUs and OSes 16:56:15 From Tara W : Yes I understand the benefits of CMSIS but my concern or question is more around the tradeoffs. 16:56:44 From Mikhail Skobov : It adds some code size for the port, but not significant 16:57:02 From Tara W : Thanks Mikhail. Any performance hits? 16:57:05 From Alvaro Muro(Bilbao) : Thanks Jacob, I need to leave, will watch the video tomorrow! 16:57:23 From Jeremy Erdmann : One tradeoff I've found is the API is limited. FreeRTOS timers allow more than the CMSIS OS2 does 16:58:21 From Tara W : Thanks Jeremy ...didn't think about that, it's a good call out. 16:59:27 From Nathan Jones : Jacob, do you use a custom printf implementation or the default? 16:59:28 From Mikhail Skobov : Yep, +1 Jeremy. E.g. peek is missing in cmsis queue API, but exists in freertos. Performance implications are limited 16:59:49 From Peter Jamrozinski : @Jacob, printf is nice for status -- but what if the task that failed was a critical task? Printing to a terminal might constitute as a silent failure in a situation where you'd want to stop/reset/restart the system. 17:00:10 From S : What do you mean by a weak write in printf? 17:00:48 From Mikael Albertsson : @Nathan, that works with the standard printf, it uses a weakly defined _write to do the low lever writing (as Jacob mentioned just now) 17:00:51 From Tara W : Thanks guys (Mikhail & Jeremy), that really helps. We work on 2 different RTOS and typically use the RTOS constructs vs. CMSIS but were considering whether we should opt for CMSIS. 17:01:25 From Mikael Albertsson : If a symbol is weakly defined in a library you're linking against and you define the same symbol, your implementation will automatically take precedence 17:02:19 From Rob Meades : Absolutely agree on local _write() override and using ITM to get debug through SWO but I've found that SWO support is TERRIBLE in almost every development environment (even in OpenOCD), JLink being the best of a bad bunch. Any comment? 17:03:21 From Jeremy Erdmann : I was writing a generic Timer implementation for a reusable software library capable supporting BareMetal and different OSes generically (is a C++ class inheriting from an abstract base class). The API I spec'd in my abstract base class didn't have full support by the CMSIS, so I opted to go FreeRTOS API route instead of CMSIS. I can always create another implementation for a different OS, should I choose. 17:03:49 From Rob Meades : ;D 17:04:24 From Jay : "interesting" 17:04:26 From Nathan Jones : @Mikael: Right, but don't many people consider the "printf" function to be too large for embedded systems? I've heard a popular alternative is this one (https://github.com/mpaland/printf), from [mpaland]. 17:04:28 From Daniel : :D 17:05:01 From Rob Meades : printf() with no floats is usually bearable I find. 17:05:13 From Leandro Pérez : I have implemented in my project a code like lo4j but for microcontroller... I assigned the log level in each message... and in a parameter I defined the global loger level 17:05:30 From Michael Kirkhart : At this point, maybe single stepping would be the right thing to do? 17:05:37 From Mikael Albertsson : @Nathan yes, it is fairly big, you can configure what level of support to add in though, I think by default on STM32 projects, floats are disabled, making it quite a bit smaller 17:05:58 From Nathan Jones : Oh, neat! Where do I configure that? In CubeIDE? 17:07:07 From Tara W : @Jeremy that's interesting issue/challenge. In that case it seems that while CMSIS It reduces the amount of rewrite but you can't naturally execute across OS without changes. 17:07:40 From Mikael Albertsson : Not sure if you can config there, I'm looking at a makefile here, we added -u _printf_float to the linker to enable floating point support in our project 17:08:11 From Keith J : Is Tracealyzer software or hardware/software? 17:08:20 From Daniel : software 17:08:31 From Daniel : it's uses a pointer to save the "trace" 17:08:32 From Keith J : thx 17:08:34 From Tara W : I missed it what board did he say? L4+? 17:08:57 From Hitesh Rai : My guess is it is software, but it will some hardware for it to run. like SWD target device 17:09:02 From Alessia Botta : Does anyone has experience with TraceAnalyzer? How does it compare with Segger System View? 17:09:43 From Daniel : in theory you can a have a precise overview of rtos behavior 17:12:12 From Daniel : what are the units? 17:12:35 From Jay : bytes? 17:12:56 From Keith J : Ok Tracealyzer is similar to uC/Probe 17:13:00 From Daniel : dunno \o.o/ 17:13:00 From Mikael Albertsson : Btw, I may be wrong, but I think the overrideable _write and turning on/off floating point using that linker option may be newlib printf() specific 17:13:13 From Hitesh Rai : Is there a trigger that we can set on Tracealyzer? 17:13:29 From rg : Not used Tracealyzer but System View is free (ish), though looks like it has less views 17:13:45 From Daniel : how's the tracealyzer overhead? memory usage? performance? 17:13:45 From Jonny : You can get a lot of this info in uvision directly too, although I'm sure tracealyzer has a lot more in-depth information. But in theory all the information is there to look at without additional programs 17:13:59 From Keith J : Sorry Systemview is the software that works with uC/Probe 17:14:02 From Rob Meades : Not sure you _can_ turn off float in anything (certainly you can't in GCC), you just don't use it and it doesn't get linked. 17:14:49 From Alessia Botta : @rc: I tried System View, but I had stability issues. It was stopping every few minutes due to invalid packet. Thus, I was wondering if Tracealyzer was working better 17:14:51 From SS : Dangling.. 17:15:01 From Rob Meades : ...provided, of course, you don't bring in any libraries that already have floating point references. 17:15:26 From Leandro Pérez : I have a question.... There 2 ways to start with FreeRTOS for STM32.... 1) Use directly from STM32 IDE Cube... 2) Download the code from the AWS Console and integrate that... What is the best way in these two options? 17:15:54 From Tara W : Leandro: are you looking for Amazon FreeRTOS or FreeRTOS OSS 17:16:20 From Jonny : @Alessia it sounds like maybe your trace data just isn't keeping up/keeping synchronized? At which point it wouldn't matter that viewer program you use 17:16:22 From Leandro Pérez : AWS FreeRTOS… with the AWS libraries added 17:16:42 From Keith J : Tracealyzer does look pretty slick 17:17:09 From SS : Yes it does for sure. 17:17:54 From Steve Wheeler : I haven’t used FreeRTOS much, but instead of having tasks create other tasks, what I’ve done in the past is to set up the tasks at initialization time, and just enable/disable tasks as required. 17:18:17 From Derek Konigsberg : FreeRTOS does not have a task "join" function, which makes clean shorter-lived tasks a bit more difficult. 17:18:39 From Carlos : Thank you! 17:20:02 From Jonny : @Derek - really? It's in the cmsis-rtos2 api and I thought freertos had an option for that API 17:20:17 From Abdi : Does Percipio work with Stlink? 17:20:29 From Leandro Pérez : Thanks @Jacob 17:21:18 From Leandro Pérez : Is possible connect J-Link to PIC32 to use Segger System View? 17:22:33 From Tara W : Nice ....I didn't know it was free now!! Great to know 17:22:52 From Alessia Botta : Thanks @Jacob! 17:24:07 From Daniel : yes, it works. I tried it yesterday 17:27:12 From Tara W : Leandro: Micrium https://www.silabs.com/developers/micrium-os 17:29:11 From Gerhard : I would initialize the table with [SYSTEM_ARMED] = {…}, 17:29:20 From Troy : thanks for pointing out the state machine very cool 17:30:05 From Michael Kafarowski : Sorry, I think I missed it, what are the units on the Event Signal Plot? 17:30:20 From Michael Kafarowski : 0, 1, 2, 3 on the y axis 17:30:20 From Gerhard : Just integer 17:30:26 From Gerhard : The state 17:30:55 From Michael Kafarowski : Oh, that value comes from the code and is passed to Tracealyzer? 17:31:13 From Michael Kafarowski : Okay I see now 17:31:22 From Michael Kafarowski : Thanks @Gerhard! 17:33:37 From Douglas Renaux - UTFPR - Brazil : Hi, does traceanalyzer work for other OSes, such as CMSIS or Azure ThreadX ? What cost range are we looking at for licenses of Traceanalyzer ? 17:34:16 From Mike : https://sites.fastspring.com/percepio/product/tracealyzer 17:34:32 From Steve Wheeler : I think it’s about $2500, and they have different versions for each RTOS they support, 17:35:39 From Daniel : it's around 20 development hours. it may worth it :) 17:37:29 From Tara W : @Douglas it does work with other OSes ...nevermind :) I see Mike provided link. (should've scroll down) 17:37:31 From javi : Does traceanalyzer run in Linux? 17:37:59 From Tara W : Yes Javi, has Linux support 17:38:02 From Daniel : yes, it does, but you should do some softlinks to make it work smoth 17:38:06 From Daniel : smooth 17:38:13 From javi : ok, thanks 17:39:50 From Douglas Renaux - UTFPR - Brazil : thanks guys 17:42:11 From Carlos : Marko, sorry I missed your question: for example, the SEGGER support they claimed to have. Or...printing floats was broken...or... 17:42:55 From Mikael Albertsson : And I finally found what I was looking for with the printf, default disabled floating point support is a newlib-nano feature, grep for _printf_float in share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/readme.txt in your gcc-arm-none-eabi toolchain. 17:44:08 From Troy : That was awesome! thanks 17:44:21 From Jakub Telatnik : The tracealyzer demo was awesome. Can you do similar things with SystemView? 17:44:29 From Stefan Petersen : Thanks! 17:45:38 From David Kanceruk : What is the difference between a mutex and a semaphore? 17:45:39 From Daniel : Hey Jacob, do you know the overhead of tracelyzer? memory footprint and performance influence. 17:45:42 From Raul Pando : Presumably, since the communication with Tracealyzer is done via Segger the overhead on the MCU is (close to) zero? 17:45:57 From mzaleski : What is the reason for swapping out ST Link for J-Link? 17:46:10 From Daniel : A Mutex is different than a semaphore as it is a locking mechanism while a semaphore is a signalling mechanism. A binary semaphore can be used as a Mutex but a Mutex can never be used as a semaphore 17:46:25 From Daniel : to be able to use RTT 17:46:25 From Jakub Telatnik : Yup thanks! 17:46:28 From Carlos : Jakob, can you go a bit into what Thread awareness means (in an IDE)? 17:47:25 From Daniel : Hey Jacob, do you know the overhead of tracelyzer? memory footprint and performance influence. ? 17:47:46 From Hariharan G : Binary Semaphore is not a mutex. There is no ownership concept in semaphores 17:47:47 From Carlos : ST Link doesn't have support for the RTT streaming, which tools like this rely on. 17:49:19 From Rob Meades : I've found that SWO support (which I guess the bandwidth requirements of Tracealyzer relies on) is TERRIBLE in almost every development environment (even in OpenOCD), JLink being the best of a bad bunch. Have I just been unlucky? 17:49:48 From Daniel : memory map? 17:49:51 From Iain Chalmers : @David Kanceruk I would highly recommend Hands-On RTOS with Microcontrollers by Brian Amos for a good intro to RTOSs. Easy read, good examples and I was quite happy to just work through it start to finish: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hands-RTOS-Microcontrollers-Building-real-time/dp/1838826734 17:50:01 From Michael Kafarowski : What could be a good way to pass large amounts of data between tasks? E.g. processed sensor data to a UI. I've been using a queue with a big union to pass all the different types of data or structs I intend to send, but I'm wondering if there's a better way. Thanks! 17:50:12 From Daniel : cool thanks! 17:51:43 From Mikael Albertsson : @Jacob, if it's streaming out the data at a very low priority, have you seen what type of behavior you can expect with the tracing data on a system that is heavily loaded with processing? 17:51:51 From Miehl : @Carlos: You can update the ST-LINK to behave as a SEGGER J-Link: https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/models/other-j-links/st-link-on-board/ See page 25 of "EOC21_RTOS_Workshop_Exercises.pdf". 17:52:07 From Michael Kafarowski : Other -> FreeRTOS 17:53:52 From Michael Kirkhart : @Miehl: Thanks for the link. I did not know that was possible. 17:54:26 From Carlos : Yes, I was trying to answer why you would do that. 17:54:35 From Michael Kafarowski : I think you have to register the semaphore for it to be shown in the semaphore page, same for queues 17:54:41 From Michael Kafarowski : CMSIS OS2 does it automatically I think 17:55:22 From Carlos : because someone asked "What is the reason for swapping out ST Link for J-Link?" 17:55:23 From Michael Kirkhart : Yes, the good old "priority inversion" problem. 17:55:28 From Stephane Boucher to Jacob Beningo(Direct Message) : There's a raised hand? Not sure if Michael has a question... 17:55:39 From Leandro Pérez : Yes 17:56:02 From Tara W : Michael: I was just about to type that :) 17:56:38 From dayolawa : What about ETM support? 17:56:39 From Rob Meades : @Jacob thanks! 17:58:30 From Leandro Pérez : All must write our experiences developing embedded systems... all could write the best book ever... lol 17:58:55 From Daniel : usually memory is a start point , and then reading the dissambler to actually confirm if there is a buffer overflow 18:00:20 From Leandro Pérez : In which tool could I document all the queues, semaphores and tasks used? 18:00:34 From Leandro Pérez : like an architecture diagram 18:01:55 From Leandro Pérez : where I can see dependencies and the relations between them 18:01:57 From James A. Langbridge : Well, I might be a baremetal person myself, but this talk was awesome, and makes me want to use RTOS a little bit more. Thanks, Jacob! 18:02:47 From Michael Kafarowski : Thanks for the talk Jacob! 18:02:47 From Troy : Michael thanks for sharing that great solution 18:02:56 From Keith J : Awesome info Jacob - THANK YOU!!! 18:02:58 From Michael Kirkhart : No problem 18:03:09 From Leandro Pérez : Thanks @Jacob 18:03:19 From Tara W : +1 to Troy, great callout Michael. 18:03:29 From Keith J : Good alternative Michael! 18:03:31 From HarriR : nice tip Michael 18:03:42 From HarriR : Thanks Jacob! 18:03:59 From Gerhard : Thanks! 18:04:01 From Peter Jamrozinski : Thank you! 18:04:04 From Rob Meades : Thank you! 18:04:05 From FAIK SAGLAR : Appreciate all :) 18:04:06 From Nikola Jovanovic : great talk - thanks JB 18:04:11 From Rocco Brandi : thank you very much! 18:04:12 From Mark : thanks 18:04:12 From Mikael Albertsson : Thanks Jacob, good presentation! 18:04:13 From Aditya S : Thanks Jacob 18:04:15 From Yuriy Kozhynov : Many thanks!!! 18:04:15 From Steve Wheeler : Great talk! Thanks so much. 18:04:17 From mzaleski : Great talk! 18:04:21 From Marinna Martini : Thanks! 18:04:23 From René Andrés Ayoroa : Thank you Jacob 18:04:26 From lavender : Thanks! 18:04:26 From Frederic : Thanks a lot! 18:04:30 From Tara W : Thanks Jacob!! Great talk 18:04:33 From mm047 : Thanks!! 18:04:38 From Lee Thalblum : Great presentation. Thanks Jacob 18:04:40 From Jay : thanks! 18:04:43 From Christopher Long : Thank you Jacob. Great talk! 18:04:47 From Daniel Fu : Thank you Jacob! 18:04:52 From James G : thank you! 18:04:55 From javi : thanks!
Well, I accidentally deleted the workshop files from Dropbox. So the link in the workshop recording will no longer work. However, I've reposted the materials to the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4tn40bbopu8a4mf/EOC21-RTOS-Workshop_Labs.zip?dl=0